A budget for Community – Growth – jobs
Download our 2022-23 Budget HERE
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council formally adopted its budget for 2022/23 on 15/06/2022.The 2022/23 budget totals $21.90 million with the main focus being on various infrastructure projects including work on the new Cherbourg to Murgon Footpath, and Solid Waste Projects . This Budget also focuses on the much needed construction of six new houses and other infrastructures, upgrading existing houses, emergency repairs and maintenance on all the Cherbourg Houses.
Council continues to manage its operations within a tight budget and will continue to look for ways to make its services more sustainable.
The following is a snapshot of some of the programs and operational areas that will be funded.
Council’s Capital Works for 2022/2023:
Financial and asset sustainability will be the focus of the capital program, with Council considering renewal of existing assets more favourably than the purchase of new assets. New assets not only impact on capital expenditure but also bring associated whole of life operating and maintenance costs with them. Key factors in the construction of the capital expenditure program are deliverability and community desire.
- Murgon to Cherbourg Footpath: $2.36M
- Cherbourg Solid Waste Upgrade: $1.007M
Building and Construction
During the coming 12 months, Council will be contracting to the Department of Housing and Public worksfor
- New Housing Builds: $3.50M
- Existing Houses Major Upgrades: $1.74M

Roads and Civil Construction
Council has allocated $ 79,698 under Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCI).
Operational Areas
- Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology at Material Recovery Facility :$229K
- Responsive maintenance to Houses: $1.55M
- Illegal Dumping Round 2A: $90K
Community services:
Council will receive operating grant of $1.034 M from Commonwealth and State Governments for the following:
Cherbourg Radio Station: $309,000
Indigenous Youth Culture Connection Program : $160,000
Sports and Recreation: $213,000
Community Support Grant: $170,000
ATSI Public Health: $182,000
Council has budgeted operating revenue of $2.09 M from the following Council enterprises:
Materials Recycling Facility including Containers for Change: $1.44 M
Joinery: $400,000
Call centre : $200,000
Cattle and Produce farm: $50,000

Rental Houses, Building and Fees & Charges:
Council has budgeted recurrent revenue of $1.96M for Rental houses, building and Fees & Charges.
- Rental income from community houses & Building $1.18M
- Service charges $785K
Essential Services Programs:
An amount of $ 1.63M has been allocated for the areas of water supply, sewerage and parks and gardens to ensure that essential services are maintained to a standard to ensure that Cherbourg Residents receive a service equal to any other town in Queensland.
Councillors, Management and Administration:
Operating revenue for Councillors, Management and Administration across all operations of council will receive an allocation of $1.94 M.