Disaster Management and Resilience

This page contains download links to the Cherbourg Local Disaster Management Plan as well as the Bjelke-Petersen Dam Evacuation Action Plan (EAP)

During disaster events please listen to the advice of police and other authorities on the ground.

Tune into our local Cherbourg Radio 94.1fm otherwise ABC radio Wide Bay is the official disaster station –ABC emergency website has up to date information on emergency situations and weather. You can also listen live on your radio or on the live stream from the ABC. Make sure you have a radio with fresh batteries and spares as if telecommunications go down, this may be your only way of keeping up to date.

Also please remember to keep your family and friends safe and keep out of floodwaters, flooded creeks and rivers. Remember: If it’s flooded, forget it.

Updates will also be placed on Council’s Facebook page as necessary but residents are urged to take necessary steps to keep informed for your own safety.

Click on the titles below for links to road related updates:

Road conditions updates – Type Cherbourg into the search box on the 131940 page.

We are proud of our beautiful township, and where we live. However, there is a potential risk of natural hazards, most likely to be tropical cyclones. We can’t afford to be complacent about the dangers they present.

Council Disaster Management Plan

Below is a list of Disaster and Emergency Information pages to assist with vital information.

Prepare your Emergency Plan

Important Contacts:

  • Life Threatening Emergencies (Police, Ambulance,Fire) – 000
  • Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council- 4168 1866
  • SES Assistance – 132500
  • Ergon – 132296
Cherbourg Disaster Risk Management Manual
Cherbourg Local Disaster Management Plan
Operations Check Lists
Operations Manual - Bushfire Support
Operations Manual - Dam Failure Operation Manual
Operations Manual - Evacuation and Evacuation Centre Management
Operations Manager - Information Warnings
Operations Manual - LDMG and LDCC
Operations Manual - Public Health
Operations Manual - Pandemic Management
Operations Manual - Recovery
Bushfire Risk Mitigation Plan (Revised 2022)
Bjelke-Petersen Dam Eavacution Action Plan