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The history of Cherbourg is one of Aboriginal people being forcibly removed and brought from all over Queensland and Northern New South Wales to a newly formed government reserve.
Under the Aborigines Protection Act of 1897 the settlement then called Barambah, was gazetted and established in 1904.
In 1932, the name Barambah was then changed to Cherbourg due to a nearby property called “Barambah Station” which caused confusion in mail delivery.

Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council prides itself as being a forward thinking council, sensitive to the needs of our growing community.
With a vision to building capability, stability and positive outcomes into the future we are striving to build enterprise and industry that create employment and self-determination for our community. For more information on CASC operations, resources, planning and transparency in our day to day operations, please select from the links shown below.
Cherbourg Council have four defibrillators available located around community at:
Council Chambers
Sports and Rec Centre
Operations/Works Depot and the MRF (Containers for Change Depot in Cherbourg)
plus one defibrillator at the Kingaroy Containers for Change depot