Entry to community: requirements
UPDATED 29th June 2020
Under the Restricted Access to Remote Communities Direction (No. 2), funerary services in the area are an essential activity.
Therefore people travelling to or through remote communities (including Cherbourg) to attend a funeral – can do so with an E pass for an essential activity.
Go to: https://www.qld.gov.au/border-pass/travelling-to-or-through-remote-communities
Select “Entering primarily for an Essential Activity”
If you are coming from outside of a designated “Travel Zone” you must also complete “Queensland Risk Management Plan”

Please note: The Communities Entry Pass is not valid for Queensland border crossings. A Queensland Entry Pass must be obtained separately if remote community travel also involves a border crossing.
Family or friends visiting from a declared travel zone – quarantine requirements
A resident who lives anywhere in a declared travel zone may enter the designated area for that travel zone to visit a family member without quarantining. For example, a grandparent in Woorabinda may be invited to visit their grandchild in Cherbourg.
A resident of a declared travel zone may also enter the designated area to attend a funeral without quarantining.
Residents of declared travel zones need to complete a Remote Communities Pass before travelling to visit family in a designated area. You must present the pass at the vehicle check point to the designated area to prove you are a resident of a declared travel zone.
However, a person who wants to visit family in a designated area and is coming from a place outside the declared travel zone (other than another designated area) must quarantine for 14 days.
Visitors who live in a declared travel zone for a designated area can now be invited to visit a family member or attend a funeral in a designated area without having to quarantine.