Cherbourg DAY 18th October

Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council are encouraging friends, family and residents of the Cherbourg community to take a day out to celebrate everything that is great about Cherbourg.

The Queensland State Government allows for special holidays to be appointed for special events or commemorative days in certain districts throughout Queensland.

Cherbourg Mayor Arnold Murray made a proposal earlier this year that has been supported by his fellow Councillors to create a “Cherbourg Day” Holiday for Friday 18th of October. 

It is a move the Mayor says he hopes will bring families back to community, Mr Murray said “a lot of people come from Cherbourg, a day like this is to bring people back for a special day to spend time with family and loved ones”.

Mayor Murray says it was sad that “every time people come up its for funerals” and he would like people to come to Cherbourg for a happy reason and see what’s happening in community, to see the progress being made.

Things like the new signage as you come into Cherbourg, the new sewage treatment plant, more new homes getting built, new safety and security for people to walk around community safely and the ever growing and expanding recycling program.

The “Cherbourg Day holiday, Friday 18th of October applies to all workers, the organisations and business operating in Cherbourg.  The holiday does not apply to workers or business outside of the Cherbourg Community.