Qbuild Home Fan Upgrade Program 2021
Good news Cherbourg!
We are pleased to announce a program to install new ceiling fans into Cherbourg homes.
It’s taken 6 months, but on Monday 12th April, Council, Qbuild inspectors and local contractors Astills Electrical and Raffins Electrical met to put together the final touches to our planned Home Fan Upgrade Program for 2021.
Qbuild inspectors have been working hard to check and identify homes that need of extra ventilation.

The program will start this week with 176 Cherbourg homes receiving new ceiling fans.
Keep an eye out for your letter from councils tenancy department to let you know when an electrical contractor will be coming to your home.
Council and Qbuild hope with residence’s help, work will be finalised by the end of June this year.
Want to check if your home will be getting the upgrade?
Please contact councils tenancy department for more details and to see if your home will get new fans.