Addressing the Impact of Corona Virus Event on Chebourg
The Coronavirus restrictions and the impacts it is having on us, is something we are all facing in different ways – not only here in Cherbourg, but also across Queensland, Australia and the world.
We are being asked to make some sacrifices and change the way we live our daily lives for a period of time – but remember the reason why we are having to do this – is to keep our Cherbourg community safer- our families, our elders and friends. Changes we make NOW can help fight the pandemic. We all need to work together to do this – that will make it easier.
The Local Disaster Management Group including Council, the health services and schools, is working hard to try and lessen the impact on our Cherbourg community – looking at the supply of groceries, goods and medications, as well as a lot of issues that come up each day.
A directory of community information will come out very soon.
We don’t need to panic buy groceries – there will be stock. Sometimes there may be popular items that we have to wait a day or two for, but this is happening all over, in Murgon and other stores everywhere.
Please Remember to:
Wash your hands with soap and water it is the best way to reduce germs
Keep a distance of 1.5 metres from others unless in your home with family
Don’t mix in groups of more than 2 people outside the home
If you are over 50 stay in your home as much as possible- get friends and family to get any essentials you need.
Let’s all do what we can to make Cherbourg as safe as it can be.
Chatur Zala
Chief Executive Officer

Zala Chatur