Binung ma na du

Binung ma na du

Banner Artwork Copyright – ARTIST – Elaine Chambers, used with permission

Cultural stories and Living Histories on Wakka Wakka country

The Binung Ma Na Du Cultural Stories and Living Histories on Wakka Wakka Country project aimed to explore the concept of codesign in creating local curriculum resources to support Aboriginal language revitalisation. 

The project team acknowledges and pays respect to the traditional owners of the lands where these stories were developed, written and filmed, the Wakka Wakka people. We thank every contributor to this project.

The research team: Associate Professor Marnee Shay (The University of Queensland), Professor Grace Sarra (Queensland University of Technology), Cr Fred Cobbo (The University of Queensland), Professor Margaret Kettle (Central Queensland University), Iris Jean Blow (The University of Queensland) and Arlene Langton (The University of Queensland). 

This project partnered with the Cherbourg Shire Council, Cherbourg State School and Murgon State High School.

The AIATSIS Indigenous Research Exchange grant funded this project. 

Digital Stories

Keeping Language Alive: Uncle Eric Law yarns on the importance of language revitalisation programs in Cherbourg schools for sustaining and appreciating culture.
© 2023 Eric Law. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
The Power of Storytelling: Aunty Patty Bond yarns on impacts of government relocation on education, and finding strength in culture and story.
© 2023 Patricia Bond. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
Growing up in Cherbourg – History and Strength: Uncle Arnold Murray reflects on growing up in Cherbourg and the immense pride he feels for his town.
© 2023 Arnold Murray. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
Healing and Community: Aunty Sylvia Bond yarn on how Indigenous-led initiatives are offering vital mental health and cultural support for families in the community.
© 2023 Sylvia Bond. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
Working In Education: Uncle Frank Malone yarns on moving towards a ‘Cherbourg way’ of teaching our Indigenous children by valuing community, different backgrounds and individual learners.
© 2023 Frank Malone. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
Binung Ma Na Du at Murgon State High School: Uncle Fred Cobbo and (now retired) Principal Simon Cotton yarning on how the Wakka Wakka revitalisation program started at Murgon SHS.
© 2023 Fred Cobbo & Simon Cotton. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
CGEN – Young Women, Identity and Dance: Mia Sandow, Nelly Bond, Sam Cobbo, Belinda Crowley discuss how the young women of Murgon State High School are using performing arts to express their identity, culture and vision for their community.
© 2023 Mia Sandow, Nelly Bond, Samantha Cobbo & Belinda Crawley. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
Being a Proud Wakka Wakka Business Owner: Tyrone Murray reflects on his path to becoming the first Indigenous business owner in Murgon and the advice he gives others to achieve their goals.
© 2023 Tyrone Murray. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
Telling Stories Our Way through Indigenous Media: Arlene Langton yarns on how Indigenous-led media is a powerful resource for telling our own stories and empowering generations to come.
© 2023 Arlene Langton. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
Leadership and Role Models: Leighton Costello discusses following in his father’s legacy and leading local Council to create a strong, proud and safe future for others.
© 2023 Leighton Costello. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
Growing Up Strong in Cherbourg: Kimberly Barrett reflects on the changes growing up in Cherbourg for different generations and her vision for our children to use their own languages and voice.
© 2023 Kimberly Barrett. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
The Power of Our Ancestors and Keeping Identity Strong: Iris-Jean Blow reflects on discovering identity, coming home to country, and helping community keep their identity strong.
© 2023 Iris-Jean Blow. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission
The Power of Storytelling: Aunty Venus Rabbitt on the strength in telling our stories to our children.
© 2023 Venus Rabbitt. This work can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission


© 2023 These works (podcasts) can be used for educational purposes. If you wish to make any other use of this work please contact to request permission