Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council would like to acknowledge the enormous contribution that community members make towards making Cherbourg a place to be proud of.
If you know someone who deserves to be recognised for their contribution, please fill out the nomination form below.
Please lodge completed nomination forms at the Cherbourg Council Office.
Entries close on Friday 25th June 2021.
We have no restriction on which category you may wish to use. To give you some ideas:
- Aboriginal/Islander Person/s of the Community.
- Aboriginal/Islander Youth of the Community.
- Aboriginal/Islander Artist/Musician/Poet of the Community.
- Aboriginal/Islander Sportsperson/s of the Community.
- Aboriginal / Islander Agency/Organization serving the Community.
- Special Achievement Award.
Award winners will be announced at the NAIDOC Event on Tuesday 6th July 2021 in the Park across from the Ration Shed.