Learn how to become a PLO
When: 02/12/2020 | 10:30AM
On Wednesday the 2nd of December 2020 the Queensland Police Service Recruiting Section will be hosting a free information session at Cherbourg TAFE to assist local Cherbourg community members in becoming a Police Liaison Officer (PLO).
Members of the QPS recruitment section, current serving PLOs and local Cherbourg police will be there to answer any question a potential PLO applicant may have whether that be:
• Resume writing, Tips for interviews,
• What is the role of a PLO, training, hours and pay + more.
This session is being run in preparation for an up-coming full-time PLO position at Cherbourg Station which will be advertised on the Smart Jobs website soon.
For more visit: https://www.police.qld.gov.au/careers-with-the-qps/police-liaison-officers
PLO Info Session