If you are an employee:
If you’re unable to work and earn income and you’ve been directed to quarantine or isolate
You may be able to get the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment if you can’t work and earn income and either:
- a state or territory health official has told you to isolate or quarantine because you’re a close contact of a confirmed case or have COVID-19
- you’re caring for someone with COVID-19.
You can’t get this payment if you’re getting an income support payment or have sick leave entitlements. You can’t get it if you decide to self-isolate without a health official directing you to.
If you are on an income support payment:
Crisis Payment for National Health Emergency (COVID-19)
A one-off payment if you’re affected by coronavirus (COVID-19).
To get this you must:
- be eligible for an income support payment or ABSTUDY Living Allowance
- be in severe financial hardship
- be in Australia when you claim
- have proof of a COVID-19 test requiring you, or the person you are caring for, to enter quarantine or self-isolation.
We’ll ask for proof of the COVID-19 test. Your claim will be rejected if you don’t send us the right kind of evidence.
We may ask for proof of being in severe financial hardship.
You must also contact us within 14 days of entering quarantine or self-isolation, or caring for someone who is.
You can’t get this crisis payment just for being in lockdown. Read about who can get it.
This is the best place for anyone to get information about what is available: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/getting-help-during-coronavirus-covid-19
Everything is applied for online or by phone – these are your best options to test your eligibility. The link posted above gives you all the options on how to apply and what evidence is needed.