Β Tig’wah, yhurri gurri

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Forms, Facts and Information

The history of Cherbourg is one of Aboriginal people being forcibly removed and brought from all over Queensland and Northern New South Wales to a newly formed government reserve.

Under the Aborigines Protection Act of 1897 the settlement then called Barambah, was gazetted and established in 1904.

In 1932, the name Barambah was then changed to Cherbourg due to a nearby property called “Barambah Station” which caused confusion in mail delivery.

GET READY ADVICE - Severe weather

Issued: 9.30 am Sunday 9 March 2025 – Next update: as the situation changes

South Burnett and Cherbourg Local Disaster Management Groups advises people in the South Burnett and Cherbourg LGAs to STAY INFORMED for potential severe weather.

For emergency help in floods and storms, call the QLD SES on 132 500 or download the SES Assistance QLD App. In life threatening situations, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.
What are we expecting?
The Bureau of Meteorology advises potential rainfall could occur for our region, however the initial threat is reduced.

What you need to do:

  • Find out how to get ready for severe weather at the Get Ready Queensland website (Get Prepared).
  • Avoid all non-essential Roads may be dangerous. Do not drive in flood waters.
  • Consider parking your car under cover and away from trees, powerlines, and
  • Consider securing or putting away items, such as outdoor furniture, trampolines and roofing iron that could blow around in strong winds.
  • Prepare for if the power goes
  • If you have children make sure they are with you or an adult you
  • Tell friends, family, and neighbours in the

If you find it hard to move quickly or have special or medical needs:

  • Use your Person-Centred Emergency Plan (P-CEP) now if you have
  • Make sure you have enough medicine for at least one
  • If anyone in your house uses powered medical equipment, like a dialysis machine or ventilator, decide now where you will go in case you lose power.
  • Call your support person or service to organise transport if you need to
  • Leaving early is safer than

If you are a tourist, visitor, camper or caravanner:

  • Check your surroundings of water catchments, and monitor
CHERBOURG – π€πŸπ­πžπ« 𝐭𝐑𝐞 Storms/Heavy Rains have passed  – 𝐖𝐑𝐨 𝐭𝐨 π‚πšπ₯π₯ 𝐟𝐨𝐫 π‡πžπ₯𝐩
For major damage (roof loss, smashed windows, structural issues)
Call Queensland SES: 132 500
For minor issues (roof leaks, minor water damage)
Call QBuild: 1300 738 616
If you’re unsure who to call or can’t get through
Cherbourg Building Manager – Bruce: 0417 006 016
Cherbourg Building Supervisor – Dennis: 0484 504 256
Cherbourg Council’s Building Department is ready to respond to cyclone damage as needed.

For more information:

  • Stay informed with Local Disaster Management Group emergency updates, power outages, weather warnings and road conditions via the South Burnett Disaster Dashboard or Council’s Facebook site
  • Listen to your local radio:
    • 7 FM – Crow FM
    • Hit 1 – South Burnett
    • 4SB 1071 AM
    • 747 AM / 1 FM ABC
    • Cherbourg UsMob Radio 94.1 FM

Cherbourg Road - Flood Monitoring cameras

To assist our community preparedness and response for disaster events, Cherbourg Aboriginal Council has installed cameras to continuously monitor flood levels at Sawpit Creek and Big Shot Fisher Bridges.

Images typically update every 15 minutes, however, frequency may be affected by telecommunications or other issues. Click on the buttons below to obtain a download of the most recent photo taken – you will see a date and time stamp in the bottom left corner of the image.

PLEASE NOTE: Roads or bridges that have been flooded, must have a safety inspection before being used. Do not remove road closed signage.

Disclaimer: It is the responsibility of the user to make their own decision about the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information and images. Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage incurred as a result of this information and images or its use in any way.

sawpit creek bridge

Flood Monitoring Camera - Click for latest image

Big Shot Fisher Bridge

Flood Monitoring Camera - Click for latest image


Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council prides itself as being a forward thinking council, sensitive to the needs of our growing community.
With a vision to building capability, stability and positive outcomes into the future we are striving to build enterprise and industry that create employment and self-determination for our community. For more information on CASC operations, resources, planning and transparency in our day to day operations, please select from the links shown below.


Meeting Minutes, Reports, Plans, Budgets, Policies

Disaster Management

Get Ready Cherbourg – Important Information


Council Drinking Water Plan


Collection Days and Times


Containers For Change and More


Kitchens, Cabinetry and Specialised Joinery Services


Council Maintenance, Works and Repairs


Bralbin Minya Pastoral


Cherbourg Council have four defibrillators available located around community at:

Council Chambers

Sports and Rec Centre

Operations/Works Depot and the MRF (Containers for Change Depot in Cherbourg)

plus one defibrillator at the Kingaroy Containers for Change depot