The Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs has launched So you want to be a councillor?training for candidates for the 2020 Local Government elections.
The Queensland Government’s recent reforms amending the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 introduced the requirement for this training to be completed by all candidates (including existing councillors) before they lodge their nomination with the Electoral Commission Queensland.
The online training takes around one hour to complete and candidates are encouraged to complete it early so they are aware of their obligations.
Although many concepts within the modules will be familiar to current councillors and mayors, the training also aligns with recent Local Government reforms and will ensure that all councillors and mayors are aware of their current and future obligations.
Those who complete the training are emailed a completion certificate, which candidates should keep for their records and for when nominations open.
Candidates who cannot complete the training online can register for face-to-face training sessions being offered at a number of locations around the State, or contact the department on 3452 7148 to request a hard copy version of the training.
Further information and resources including a So you want to be a councillor? fact sheet and a candidate campaign checklist are also available on the department’s website.