Community health summit

A Cherbourg Community Health Summit is being put together to take place on Tuesday December 8th and Wednesday December 9th – times and location to be confirmed

Purpose of workshop:

The purpose of the workshop is for Cherbourg community to develop an action plan that would inform the public, private and non-government sectors policies, priorities and systems for service delivery and community initiatives in Cherbourg


  1. To equip the community with information about their health, and social and emotional wellbeing to enable the community to develop their own priorities and strategies.
  2. To ensure the priorities and strategies developed are implemented by public, private and non-government sectors as part of the Cherbourg Health Action plan
  3. To agree to a set of outcomes and appropriate funding and policy process that would ensure sustainability and commitment to actions in the Cherbourg Health Action plan.


  • Community endorsement of the priorities for service enhancement
  • Community direction about actions to be included in the Cherbourg Health Action Plan
  • Identification of agencies responsible for the action.