RACQ FOUNDATION help to increase our shine

queenslanders helping queenslanders It started with a casual conversation about football at the 2022 LGAQ conference in Cairns with RACQ Foundation Board member Wally Tallis, a meeting…. then an offer to help with much needed improvements and upgrades for Cherbourg … Read more

We Support Operation Pandora

Official Statement from Queensland Police Service (QPS): Murgon and Cherbourg police officers are presently engaged in Operation Pandora which has resulted in the apprehension of numerous offenders for a series of serious crimes ranging from Burglary to unlawful use of … Read more

First Nations Justice Office – Community Workshop

? First Nations Justice Office Community Workshop Notice ? Attention Community Members! The First Nations Justice Office (FNJO), part of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, invites our community representatives to a significant workshop. The purpose is to be part … Read more

Parvo Virus affecting DOGS in Community

We have had cases of PARVO reported in our community. What is PARVO? PARVO is a virus that makes young dos very sick, it live is dirt and inside sick dogs that can spread it around community. Dogs with PARVO … Read more

Change of Date – October Ordinary Council Meeting

Public NoticeChange of Date – October Ordinary Council Meeting In accordance with Section 254B of the Local Government Regulations 2012, notice is hereby given that the date for the October 2023 Ordinary Meeting of the Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council has … Read more

Call for Tenders: Cherbourg Community Cafe

Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council is inviting tenders for the operation and management of the Cherbourg Cafe. This exciting opportunity calls for innovative and committed individuals, team or family businesses to come forward and contribute to our vibrant community, service providers, … Read more

How Does Council Work?

A Message to Cherbourg Residents, Service Providers and Stakeholders It is important to understand what the job of Cherbourg Council is, the part we play in community, the difference between being an elected official (Mayor, Deputy and Councillors) the job … Read more

Bus Hire Service Discontinued

Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council Ceases Bus Hire in Interest of Public Safety In response to recent bus accidents, notably in the Hunter Valley, Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council (CASC) has taken a decisive step. The council has unanimously voted to cease … Read more

Department of Housing – Yarning Circle

Have your say on a new four-year First Nations Housing and Homelessness Action Plan for Queensland to help close the gap for First Nations peoples and communities. A message from The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Housing Unit who are … Read more