The Cherbourg Master Plan is a living document which encompasses the
aspirations and hopes for Cherbourg and as such will be reviewed
on a regular basis, allowing for updates and additions of new priorities.
Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council will aim add Information in support of the communities growth as annexures to this document allowing for a central repository of
This report contains an overview of investigations and stakeholder consultation undertaken in Cherbourg. It seeks to provide Council and DATSIP with a readily accessible and easily interpreted summary of a preferred master plan option, associated infrastructure requirements and implementation strategy.
It should be noted that the preferred option and implementation strategy do not represent a funding commitment.
It is intended that this report will be utilised by CASC as an evidence base to support future applications for a range of potential funding and/or grants. It is also a document which can be used to guide future investment and growth decisions with a clear understanding of the positive outcomes that can be leveraged for the community.
A hard copy of this document is available to be viewed at the Councils Administration and Works Department Offices.