
It is important for the community to be aware of the roles of the Mayor, Councillors and CEO, as set out in the Local Government Act 2009.

Role of the Mayor

  • Run council meetings
  • Carry out civic and ceremonial duties in the community and for visitors
  • Exercise functions as decided by the council
  • Perform, where necessary, the functions of the council between meetings

Role of the Mayor and Councillors

Governance Role:

  • Direct and control council business in accordance with the Local Government Act
  • Help achieve the best allocation of council budget for the benefit of the community
  • Help to create and review council policies and objectives and criteria elating to the exercise of the council’s regulatory functions
  • Review the performance of the council and its delivey of services and the corporate and operational plans and revenue policy of the council

Elected Role:

  • Represent the interest of the community by listening and acting on any concerns
  • Provide leadership and guidance to the community
  • Make the communication between the community and teh council easier
  • Attend council meetings
  • Appoint the CEO

Role of the CEO

The CEO is employed by the council and is generally responsible for its effecient operation and to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the council.

  • Manage the day-to-day council business and direct the staff
  • Help with such functions of the council as are delegated by the council
  • Appoint staff in accordance with organisational structure and budget approved by the council

Every four years residents democratically elect a Mayor and four Councillors as community representatives. The next Local Government election will be held in 2020. Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council consists of the following elected members:

Mayor: Bruce Simpson

Register of Interests


Mayor Simpson Bio

Deputy Mayor: Gordy Wragge

Register of Interests


Deputy Mayor Wragge Bio


Councillor: Daniel Weazel

Register of Interests


Cr. Weazel Bio

Councillor: Carla Fisher

Register of Interests


Cr. Fisher Bio

Councillor: Tom Langton

Register of Interests


Cr. Langton Bio