Cherbourg Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) had its latest update meeting today at council chambers. (Wednesday 8th July 2020 at 10am)
As of midday last Friday 3rd of July, Cherbourg community has moved to Level 3 of the Queensland Governments Easing of Restrictions Plan, this is due to no confirmed cases of the COVID19 virus in community. Stage 3 also means Cherbourg LDMG is prepared with “Rapid Response Plans” in the event of a second wave of the virus.
At todays meeting of our LDMG chaired by Mayor Elvie Sandow, attended by Cherbourg Councilors along with representatives of Gympie Region DDMG, Queensland Health, QPS, QFES, Local Disaster Coordinator and Council CEO Chatur Zala, it was agreed Cherbourg would relax its status from “Stand Up” to “Lean Forward”. (Gympie DDMG will remain at “Stand Up” for a further 2 weeks)
With recent easing of restrictions, and for the safety of our elders and health compromised members of community it is preferred no visitors enter community travelling from outsided of Queensland and especially not from COVID Hotspots including the state of Victoria. If you are feeling unwell PLEASE do not come into Cherbourg.
Cherbourg LDMG and Council wish to acknowledge and thank the community, workers and first responders for all your work, cooperation, and patience during the last four months in what have been very challenging times.