Energy and Water Ombudsman to visit CHerbourg and Kingaroy

The Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ) team is returning to Kingaroy and Cherbourg on the 01st and 2nd September to host two Community Information Days for community members and workers. 

During their recent visit to the region, Ergon customers raised concerns regarding energy bill stress and access to rebates, concessions and payment plans. 

Which has prompted a ½ day program to engage with the community, to help solve any issues and tips on how to save on electricity usage.

The team are partnering with Sth Burnett CTC who provide a wide range of services including financial counselling services and Luke Reade from YFS will also be joining the team.

Luke is a Community Education Worker who is delivering energy literacy sessions for the community. 

Who are we?  Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland is an independent statutory authority and administers the Energy and Water Ombudsman Scheme in Queensland under the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006.

We provide a free, independent and impartial dispute resolution service for unresolved complaints customers have with electricity, gas or water suppliers. EWOQ does not receive any Government funding.

See below for more information

