Indigenous Councils Critical Infrastructure Program in cherbourg


Darren Lonergan – Operations Manager (Civil Engineer)

Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council

Indigenous Councils Critical Infrastructure Program: Sewage Pump Station refurbishments in the town and Water Supply Infrastructure upgrades (refurbishments) at Cherbourg Water Treatment Plant and Rising Main.

Works completed or underway

  • Rising main replacement
  • Lab building refurbishment including new switchboard
  • Chlorine gas injection building

Works starting

  • Filtration cell media replacement (being done today)
  • SCADA controlled valves installation (starting tomorrow)
  • SCADA set up (starting tomorrow)
  • Delivery of sew. Pump Stn pumps (next week)

Works today

  • Filtration cell old media replacement will be done cell by cell until all 6 cells are done.  There is a chance that some or many of the old backwash injection heads may be damaged and needing replacement.  Their replacements have been allowed for to some extent. During this work, water supply to the town will be maintained from the clear treated water storages on site.


  • Rising main replacement works are completed as originally scoped, but more replacement of rising main is awaiting approval for funding from the government