Could You Be a PLO for our community?

Queensland Police advise us they will be advertising for two Police Liaison Officer position soon. One for Cherbourg and One for Murgon. If you think this might be an opportunity for you or someone you know, you should take some … Read more

No Illegal Activities in Council Homes

NOTICE to all tenants Tenant’s Use Of Premises It has been brought to Council’s attention that there are a number of illegal activities happening in some Council houses and Council would like this to stop immediately. DO YOU KNOW THAT … Read more

Cut your Grass?

notice to all tenants This is a Cherbourg Council notice to all residents about overgrown grass.Overgrown grass in your yard may lead to the harbouring of pests (rats, mice, and snakes) which can create problems in the case of a … Read more

Boil Water Alert

All residents and Guests in Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council should boil their tap water used for drinking water until further notice. This advice has been issued following LOW Chlorine residual in the town water supply. This alert applies to all … Read more

Rental Payments 2023

Please be advised that a decision was made by Council that as from 01 January 2023 there will be NO MORE RENT REIMBURSEMENTS given out to tenants who are in credit.We have been checking all rent deductions and it appears … Read more

Rocko Langton – a tribute

Cherbourg has lost a local legend – Here is our tribute to our Uncle Robert “Rocko” Langton This week we will say goodbye to our brother and Uncle – Rocko Langton – a legend in our Cherbourg community. Legends are … Read more

OFFICIAL STATEMENT: Community Engagment

OFFICIAL STATEMENT 8th December 2022 From Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council (CASC) RE: Engagement with Cherbourg SPAN Group Sadly, suicide has touched everyone in our community, this includes our mayor, councilors, staff and management of CASC, the continuing loss of family … Read more

Cherbourg Special Holidays for 2023

Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council wish to advise community, stakeholders and service providers there will be only 2 special “Cherbourg Only” holidays in 2023: • 7 July 2023 a holiday for the Shire of Cherbourg for the purpose of NAIDOC Day• … Read more

Human Resources Advisor Wanted

POSITION VACANT – Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council Human Resources Advisor Cherbourg is located in the South Burnett Region of Queensland about 3 hours drive north west of Brisbane and 1 hour west of Gympie. The township is 7km from Murgon.  … Read more

Mediation and Me – For Cherbourg Residents

A team of Griffith University Final Year Laws/Criminology Students of the Culturally Principled Practice Clinic recently made a series of presentations to the Cherbourg Council. Nicola Barnes who is part of an e-magazine team that produced this “Mediation and Me” … Read more