RENT RELIEF for Cherbourg

1st Full Meeting of new Council Residents will pay No Rent in May 2020 Cost to Council $140,000 Residents can choose to credit their account Community will always come first The first full meeting of the new Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire … Read more


No cases of COVID-19 in Cherbourg to date Hot Spots for COVID-19 are Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and Cairns Do Not Travel to Cherbourg unless prepared to self-isolate for 14 days in the South Burnett Message from Mayor … Read more

COVID-19: Homelessness and the Housing Sector

Supporting social housing households Department of Housing and Public Works – Released 9th April 2020 As the response to COVID-19 evolves, our focus continues to be on Queensland’s most vulnerable and ensuring that access to services and support is delivered … Read more


COVID-19: keep Cherbourg safe Message from CEO Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council Happy Easter to all the Community Elders and members! On behalf of the Cherbourg Council, I would like to thank the community members for their patience with the checkpoint … Read more

Information for RETURNING Prisoners

The return of prisoners will be processed case by case, day by day. Brisbane is now a COVID hotspot with increased screening required. As at today Sunshine Coast/Wide Bay is not considered a Hot Spot. If there have been no … Read more


The new Cherbourg Mayor, Elvie Sandow, Councilors Leighton Costlello, Bronwyn Douglas (Murray), Tom Langton and Fred Cobbo were sworn into office today (8th April) Our New Mayor told media she was very honored to be chosen by community to represent … Read more

2020 Election Results

Results from the 2020 Local Government Elections have been declared. We now have a new Mayor, Elvie Sandow who is stepping up as the first ever female mayor of our Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council. We also now welcome newly elected … Read more

Cherbourg food drop

delivery from 11am tuesday 7th April We are extremely grateful to the good people at FareShare Brisbane, we are expecting a delivery of frozen meals that will be distributed to all homes in Cherbourg from around 11am onwards Tuesday 7th … Read more

helpful ideas to support our little ones

Practical ideas for connecting This should be considered in conjunction with the Factsheet: Supporting children and young people and their parents and carers regarding COVID-19. Also, please remember when making changes to family contact arrangements, please ensure written advice is … Read more